Our Team

Steve McVey

Steve is the Executive Director of Dirt Roads Network. In 1989 he married his lovely wife Samantha. They have two amazing children, Andrew and Rebekah. Andrew, his wife Kendra, and their three children live in Hutchinson, Kansas. Rebekah, and her husband Tyler live in Westfield, Indiana.

Prior to his position at Dirt Roads Network Steve was the pastor of Lamont Wesleyan Church from 2000 to 2020. Lamont is a rural community of forty people nestled in the Flint Hills of Kansas. Over those two decades of ministry, Lamont went from a church slated to be closed, to a regional church. The church started a satellite location and planted three churches. In the process, Steve began to see rural/small-town America as a mission field. 

Fueled by his passion for rural and small-town ministry, Steve was led to develop the Dirt Roads Network. In 2018 Dirt Roads Network started to cast its vision to plant and revitalize life-giving, Bible-believing, community transforming churches throughout rural America.

Steve is a gifted teacher, and visionary leader. He works with several ministries including Rural Matters Institute and Crossroads Farm. He advises several denominational leaders in the area of rural ministry. He continues to pursue the call to "Raise up an army of rural missionaries" by faithfully encouraging rural pastors toward a missionary mindset.

Angela Audiss

Angela is Ministry Leadership Director and Certified DRN Coach. Her faith took root in the soil of rural America. The current of life sent both she and her husband Jason into the harvest fields of Ottawa, KS. Since their arrival to Ottawa in 2000 Angela taught physical education, worked with Jason to raise their three children Lindsey, Abigale, and Joshua, led church small groups (children through adult), developed church ministries, collaborates in leadership of an ecumenical community youth ministry, and recently completed a master’s degree in ministry leadership. 

Angela and her family enjoy employing their gifts of hospitality to those in their respective spheres of influence. They actively seek to live lives on mission at home, work, school, church, sports, or wherever life takes them. She and her family’s faith is interwoven into all aspects of their daily lives. Angela is a natural pastor. She offers shepherding and encouragement to those around her and consistently champions others towards spiritual growth and development.

Angela is passionate about the missionary approach Dirt Roads Network implements as it seeks to “plant and revitalize life-giving, Bible believing, community transforming, churches in small towns and communities”.


Chris Dyer

Dr. Chris Dyer came to faith in Christ when I was seventeen years of age, experienced a call to ministry when he was eighteen and became a pastor at the age of nineteen. In 1986 he became a minister in the Wesleyan Church in which he planted a new church, helped plant other churches, and was the pastor of two established churches. Two of his churches produced three church planters and gave birth to three new congregations.

Pastor Chris is a certified leadership and church planting coach and serves as the trainer for our denomination's multiplication coaches. He is also an assessor for the Wesleyan Church Planter’s Assessment Center.

Disciple-making is his passion in life. He consistently preaches the necessity that the church must be on mission with God to redeem his lost creation. He loves pouring into leaders and congregations that desire to pursue that mission!

As for personal hobbies, music is a huge part of his life. His favorite music styles are blues and classic rock. He also enjoys fishing, hiking, bike riding, and hanging out with family which includes four amazing grandchildren! In his spare time, you might find him watching movies or TV with his wife, Renee. They also love to take long walks and travel.

Zach Kingery

Rev. Zach Kingery is an ordained elder in the Global Methodist Church and a Network Director with Dirt Roads Network. He is a Kansas native who grew up attending Lamont Wesleyan Church and has rural church revitalization as part of his spiritual DNA.
With a BA in Pastoral Ministry & Biblical Study and a Master of Divinity, Zach has pastored in small town and rural churches in Oklahoma, Missouri, and South Dakota. He met his wife, Jessica, while attending Oklahoma Wesleyan University and they have three children: Syrus, Etta, and Jameson.

As a Network Director Zach works with denominations, church leadership, and pastors to be effective in the mission field of rural America. 

“It is my hope to see the pioneering, Holy Spirit filled, mission-minded zeal of the Methodist movement renewed in rural America.”

Fred Miller

Fred Miller and his beloved Marvia made it a priority to live each day saying, Yes Jesus, before they knew what He would ask of them. Fred calls it living in “Yes Mode,” and it continuously adjusts and shapes his life with God-serving opportunities. "You are incredible", is the way he introduces himself to nearly everyone he encounters. That statement usually results in an opportunity to portray the Gospel in some way, as well as to encourage his friends. It certainly causes the aroma of Jesus to linger wherever he has been.

For quite some time Fred and Marvia walked alongside smaller Wesleyan churches encouraging them and assisting where needed. With the restructuring of the Kansas District, Dirt Roads Network invited the Millers to bring their experience and apply it in rural and small town settings as pastors to pastors. That ministry was well suited for them and continues to be. Fred has continued to focus on intentionally giving value to everyone. This is a ministry of love, prayer, and availability, centered on encouraging God’s people. Fred says, "It’s important to remember, you were custom designed by God to accomplish His purpose". When your relationship with Christs is up to date, you are successful every day by His definition. That perspective has a way of sparking new determination in pastors and churches who sometimes feel they minister in forgotten places. Fred sees his place on the team with Dirt Roads Network, as Roadside Assistance, and he is excited about the opportunities Dirt Roads Network provides.

Molly VanZandt

Molly is a Dirt Roads Network Missionary. She is following the call to bring the life-giving, transformative message of the Gospel to Clearwater Township in Northern Michigan. In the heart of Clearwater Township is the small town of Rapid City, MI. Part of the vision for the ministry to Rapid City is bringing transformation to their main street. To do this, Molly is seeking funding for the purchase of a property, which will then be transformed into a ministry center and supporting business where people can gather and find community as well as support and resources in a Christ-centered environment infused with the love, grace, and truth of Jesus.

Doug Preston

Doug is a Ministry Consultant for Dirt Roads Network. Doug was raised on a farm near Greensburg, IN. He graduated from South Decatur High School in 1977 and then went on to enter the business world right out of high school.  Doug owned his own trucking company, as well as a furniture repair and refurbish shop in Greensburg, Indiana. He also served as a plant manager of Old Hickory Furniture in Shelbyville, Indiana.   

Doug began taking business classes at Indiana Wesleyan University in 2002. In 2003, he accepted the call to pastoral ministry and immediately switched from a business degree to ministerial classes.

Doug began his pastorate in a Nazarene Church in Shelby Co.in 2004. He began revitalizing this rural church and was able to double its attendance and rebuild its financial stability in the two years while serving there.

In 2006 Doug was called to LifeLine Wesleyan Church in Greensburg, Indiana and pastored there for 15 years. While at LifeLine Wesleyan, Doug was ordained in 2009. During his time as the Senior Pastor at LifeLine he led 2 major building projects....the second one moving the church to a new 6 acre campus and building a new Family Center. These ministry  initiatives helped the church grow from 30 to 170 people. 

Scott Bills

Scott has served in a variety of ministry positions over the past nearly 50 years. After a campus ministry role with Youth For Christ, he joined the Wesleyan Church, serving congregations in Michigan, Indiana and Wyoming as a pastor. Major areas of ministry experience include student ministry, music, worship,teaching and administration.

In 2004 he accepted a position with another denomination and was involved in campus development for a multi-site congregation in northern Michigan, later serving in an administrative role and finally as the congregation’s interim pastor prior to retiring from a full-time role in 2020. Since retirement, Scott has been involved with the Wesleyan Church’s Great Lakes Region doing pulpit supply work and serving as an Ambassador and coach to local pastors.

In 2024 Scott began working with Dirt Roads Network as a coach, a role in which he continues to serve. Scott and Elaine have a blended family which includes two daughters, four sons, their spouses along with 19 grandchildren ranging in age from 7-25. Scott and Elaine, both natives of Michigan, now reside in Traverse City, Michigan, enjoy traveling, camping (but not roughing it), reading and volunteering in their local church.

John Marquis

John is a Certified DRN Coach. John also serves as the Lead Pastor of Hope First Wesleyan in Hope, Indiana. John and his wife of 22 years have three wonderful children. 

John grew up in Evansville, Indiana and is thankful for the influence of his parents who showed him how to love people like Christ loves us. In 2005, John accepted the call to ministry in 2005 and attended Indiana Wesleyan, studying Counseling and Pastoral Studies. In 2022, he was ordained in the Wesleyan Church and has used his knowledge and experience to coach pastors into developing lasting ministries in their mission fields. 

John is committed to seeing rural communities transformed into Bible-believing and Bible-teaching mission fields.

Andrew & Kara Hurlburt

Andrew and Kara Hurlburt are transplants from the Carolinas to Kansas. After co-pastoring a small, rural church in North Carolina for 11 years, through a series of God-events, they found themselves along with their 4 children, in Lamont, Kansas. Now, they can’t see themselves anywhere else!

Andrew has a passion to see disciples made and Christ-followers go deep in their faith. His pastor-heart often shines through in his relationships and community involvement. When he is not busy with Lamont Wesleyan Church, coaching, parenting, or serving in various capacities, he can be found re-charging in a deer stand.

Kara is most passionate about being a light to their four children (Cade, Reese, Molly, and Maggie) and making disciples in the rural context by building relationships, giving hope through service, and speaking when given a word to share. She enjoys decorating, hospitality, and sharing conversation over a cup of coffee or a glass of (sweet) tea.

Kim Kingery

Kim comes to dirt Roads Network as Ministry Support Staff as she continues full time ministry as a high school educator.

Kim strongly believes that God intentionally placed her in a rural community. Her heart continues to be cultivated toward ministering to women and families in small town America.

Kim is passionate about helping people identify the Kingdom call on their lives. She is a gifted leader who is willing to serve behind the scenes or out in front. She is excited to bring her spirit of problem-solving and collaboration to DRN and help us achieve our future ministry goals.

Kim and her husband, Jake, who is a native of Madison, KS recently built their dream home on the family farm in Greenwood County, KS. They have two daughters Lily and Charlie.

Randy Garner

Randy Garner has been the lead pastor and church planter for the last 25 years at Christ Community Church, and out of CCC he planted two other churches and adopted another church to revitalize. Before planting CCC he was pastor at a couple other churches and as an evangelist for a season. He was the Evangelism and Church growth director, now known as CMAD Church Multiplication & Discipleship in the Shenandoah district of the Wesleyan Church. He served on the District board on administration for many years. He also speaks for revivals, camp meetings and retreats.

He has a passion to share Christ with anyone and everyone. He also has a passion to encourage pastors and small churches. He is a certified coach and loves building relationships. He has been a police and fire chaplain for over 20 years and still serves as a hospital chaplain along with many other leadership roles. He is transitioning from the lead pastor of CCC to a team role with Dirt Road Network and is looking forward to serving in his new role in Kingdom work.

Randy has been married for 45 years to his lovely wife Cindy. They make their home in Williamsburg, Virginia.