Experience new life

in your church.

Supporting rural churches in the process of becoming vibrant through Assessment, Coaching and Cohort lessons.

Church Revitalization Process

The Dirt Roads Network Team leads your church toward revitalization through a 9 lesson cohort, on-site and extended coaching, and development of a Ministry Action Plan.

Listen to Pastor John Marquis share about his experience with the Revitalization Process with Dirt Roads Network.

Revitalization Process

  1. Assessment: The first step in the Revitalization process is for your church to complete an assessment. Your leadership board will submit interviews and a custom assessment to the DRN Team. The team will then review the assessment and application.

  2. Cohort: After acceptance into the Revitalization program, the pastor(s) along with church leadership will participate in a 16 week cohort with other churches in the process. During this time, your church leaders will go through an interactive, practical, spiritual, and relational journey with other pastors and church leaders. The goal will be the development of a unique Ministry Action Plan that fits the setting and need of your church.

  3. Coaching: Each church will receive a personal, DRN Certified, revitalization coach. The 12 sessions of coaching are included in the cost of the cohort and will be developed out of the Ministry Action Plan (MAP). Coaching will be focused on implementation of the MAP, as well as what you have learned through the process.

Assessment, Cohort and Coaching

Onsite Visit by coach

*Contact us for pricing.