Connecting and equipping rural churches in small towns and communities across America.

Every small town and rural community deserves a life-giving, Bible-believing, community-transforming church.
Dirt Roads Network is:
- Encouraging rural pastors and congregations with resources and conferences designed specifically for them.
- Leading rural-church revitalization cohorts that guide rural congregations through the process of revitalization.
- Networking with other rural focused ministries to reach, encourage, and equip pastors and congregations for their mission context.
- Encouraging rural pastors and congregations with resources and conferences designed specifically for them.
- Establishing a network of churches committed to rural church planting.
“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Matthew 9:35-38
Bringing rural pastors together for development and camaraderie.
Cooperatives are formed communities with the common goal to harvest in rural communities (Matthew 9:35-38). Together these workers learn, galvanize, grow, and encourage one another as ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor. 5:20).
Cooperative participants are invited to renew their spirits and remember the One who has called them through remembering their mission and shifting to a missionary mindset.
Spiritually and practically equipping churches for a new season of health and harvest.
As parts of rural America are declining, so have many of their life giving churches. At Dirt Roads Network, we are committed to helping the small places that want to have a big impact.
Through our Revitalization Cohorts, churches are guided in a Spirit-led process so that their ministry can thrive for the glory of God.
Reaching the lost, together.
It is our desire to reach the lost in rural and small town America by supporting church plants.

“When Steve McVey thinks of rural communities he envisions unique strengths and Kingdom opportunities. Rural areas across North America and around the world need life giving churches equipped to meet the pressing and lasting needs of those around them and multiply to other locations. Dirt Roads Network is empowering pastors and lay leaders to fulfill the Great Commission."
Wayne Schmidt, General Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church
“I believe in the mission of Dirt Roads Network and look forward to how the Holy Spirit will use them to accomplish His vision for us as a church and for the network of churches engaging and growing in the process.”
Dan Maurer, Lead Pastor, Union City Wesleyan
DRN has provided a location for learning, fellowship, and common practices to be considered that permits us to examine and enhance the way we do ministry in rural and smaller communities.
Bryan Thompson, Lead Pastor Houghton Lake Wesleyan
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